Stacey Construction is committed to maintaining a safe and healthful working environment. To achieve this goal, Stacey Construction has implemented a comprehensive workplace Safety Program. We are committed to the philosophy of zero accidents and injuries. We believe ALL accidents and injuries are preventable. It is our top priority to insure the safety of our clients, employees and every person that enters our job site.
A drug and alcohol testing policy is a major key to our Safety Program. Our drug and alcohol testing is done through an outside drug testing agency. We test pre-employment, reasonable suspicion (for cause), random, post-incident, and return to duty.
Another key factor to our successful safety record is our weekly safety meetings held at each project. These meetings our conducted by the superintendent of the project and are overseen by our company safety director. We invite all of our subcontractors to attend these meetings as well as we believe that each person is responsible for working safely and maintaining a safe and healthful work environment.
Each job site is reviewed at least monthly by the safety director. A detailed Safety Inspection Report is completed and any items receiving an unsatisfactory rating are addressed and corrected immediately. In addition, employees are encouraged to complete an Employee Safety Information Form when they have a safety suggestion or would like to report an unsafe workplace condition or practice.
Good housekeeping is an integral part of any effective safety program. Keeping work areas neat and clean reduces the chances of accidents and injuries. Well-organized work areas also increase the ability of employees to perform their jobs efficiently.
Stacey Construction is a hard hat company. Hard hats are required to be worn at all times on all of our projects. Anyone found in violation of this policy will be asked to put a hard hat on immediately or leave the premises. The use of other personal protective equipment is required where posted.
As a condition of our subcontract agreement, we require all subcontractors to comply with our safety program.
Please contact our office if you would like a copy of our policies.
Our safety program and each of the safety rules and regulations were designed for YOUR PROTECTION